Covenant Polytechnic, a renowned educational institution renowned for its unwavering commitment to delivering top-quality education, is pleased to announce the dates for its upcoming matriculation ceremony and the commencement of the first-semester examinations. These important academic milestones highlight the Polytechnic’s dedication to fostering an environment of academic rigor and continuous learning.
Covenant Polytechnic Matriculation Ceremony Announcement
Covenant Polytechnic’s management cordially invites the general public to attend its highly anticipated Matriculation Ceremony. This momentous event is scheduled to take place on July 7th, 2023. The Matriculation Ceremony symbolizes the official acceptance of new students into the polytechnic, signifying a significant milestone in their academic journey.
First Semester Examinations
Covenant Polytechnic is thrilled to announce the commencement of the first semester examinations, which are set to begin on June 26th, 2023. These upcoming examinations mark the culmination of an entire semester’s worth of academic dedication and hard work.
Important Notice for Students
To ensure smooth and organized academic proceedings, Covenant Polytechnic’s management emphasizes the following points, particularly for ND1 and HND1 students:
Timely Payment of Necessary Fees
It is imperative for ND1 and HND1 students to promptly settle their required fees. This prompt payment will enable the system to generate their matriculation numbers efficiently.
Payment of Fees and Charges for ND2 and HND2 Students
ND2 and HND2 students are also advised to promptly pay their fees and any other relevant charges. By doing so, they will guarantee their access to the examination venues without any complications.
Matriculation Fee
All ND1 and HND1 students must pay a matriculation fee of Ten Thousand Naira (10,000) each. This fee is essential for the successful completion of the matriculation process.
Hostel Fees
Additionally, all ND1 and HND1 students are required to pay their hostel fees amounting to Forty-Two Thousand Naira (42,000). This payment is a prerequisite for being eligible to write the upcoming examinations.
Final Thoughts
As Covenant Polytechnic moves forward with these significant academic events, the institution kindly reminds all students of their responsibility to adhere to the provided guidelines and timelines. By following these procedures, students contribute to a smooth and productive academic year for everyone involved. The Polytechnic wishes all its students a successful matriculation ceremony and examination period, filled with accomplishments and growth.
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